Sensory Integration Compression Therapy for Individuals with ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism or Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Massage has been used as an effective therapy to benefit many individuals with attention deficit disorders. The spectrum is characterized by many dysfunctions that include the tactile or sensory system. Compression of the muscles, joints and tissues have proven successful in calming the central nervous system. Sounds, smells, sight and touch are often overwhelming distractions for individuals that have a difficult time processing them in a typical manner. Multi tasking for the average person doesn’t include the added challenge of managing these distractions. Focused compression therapy in a consistent, quiet and controlled environment is very beneficial to sensory integration. Sessions are monitored and measured to each individuals needs. Consistency and frequency are equally important for all learning success with a sensory challenged individual. Shorter sessions at frequent intervals are important for initial treatment.
Sensory integration is beneficial in inattentiveness, aversion to touch, withdrawal and the ability to relax mentally or physically. Speech, occupational and all therapies are necessary components of a therapeutic program to promote lifelong benefits. SICT is beneficial in integrating all therapies by advancing the tactile defense system and promote relaxation to all the body’s systems.
Early detection and treatment is imperative in gaining optimal results. Consultation and a thorough intake are scheduled prior to treatment, both of which are necessary to customize the best therapeutic program. This therapy is effective and the “glue” that brings calm or sense to all implements.